[Bug] Blog not Getting Indexed by Search Engines

During last one week, there was zero traffic from Google to my blog when I looked at what was the problem, I saw that none of my blog articles are indexed by the Google and there are no results from my blog. And I was looking at the template of my blogger there is one line <$BlogMetaData $> which adds all the meta information. When I viewed the source code of the my blog I found the meta data containing the line
$ meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW" $ ($ replaced by <,>)
I dont know why/how this line was added to my blog. This actually means that these pages should not be indexed by any of the search engines. To solve this problem I had to remove <$BlogMetaData$> from the blog template manually and add all the lines shown in the source code about the page meta information except the last line shown above. There is some bug in blogger which probably added this line to the blog template.


  1. Anonymous8:45 PM

    If only more people used webaroo ;). That problem would never occur.

  2. You could alternatively depended on feeds as well :). But the thing is about driving the traffic to the blog.

  3. Hi,

    The blog is really informative. Keep u the good work Mallik. :-)
